Home > Muziek > But not for me
But not for me
(Words and Music: George and Ira Gershwin, 1930)
Arrangement: S. Dönszelmann

Uitgevoerd door "Jazz or No"

Marijke R. van Engen: zang
Maarten R. de Lor: trompet
Michiel R. van der Steen: saxofoon
Paul C. Adriaanse: trompet
Marieke R. van Gool: saxofoon
Sebastiaan R. von Dönszelmann: drum
Vincent R. Knappe: toetsen
Pier R. l'Philipsen: bas

Opname: Pier Philipsen

They're writing songs of love, but not for me
A lucky star's above, but not for me
With love to lead the way
I've found more clouds of gray
Than any Russian play could guarantee

I was a fool to fall and get that way
Heigh-ho! Alas! And also lack-a-day
Although I can't dismiss
the mem'ry of his kiss
I guess he's not for me

He's knocking on a door, but not for me
He'll plan a two by four, but not for me
I know that love's a game
I'm puzzled, just the same
Was I the moth or flame? I'm all at sea

It all began so well...but what an end
This is the time a fellow needs a friend
When ev'ry happy plot
Ends with a marriage knot
And there's no knot for me