Home > Muziek > Photographing a Photographer

Photographing a Photographer

(Pier Philipsen)

Photographing a photographer
Is a bit like nursing a nurse
Isn't it ironic
In an Alanis Morisette way

Photographing a photographer
Is a bit like plumbing a plumber
Isn't it iconic
In a God Creator nifty kind of way

Coding a code
Debugging a bug
Beating a Beatle
Rocking a roll
Fishing a fish
Wishing a wish
Sighing a sigh
Smiling a smile
Planting a plant
Refactoring a factory
Seeing a see
Being a bee

Even the dentist needs to see a dentist
And a lover a lover
And a lover a lover

Photographing a photographer
Is a bit like tupling a tuple
Isn't it Pythonic
In unnecessary complicated ways
Danijel photographed while photographing