What do the Finnish people eat
Do they eat fish or do they eat meat
I geuss they devour parts of their reindeer
And wash it away with something stronger than beer
In freezing cold and maddening darkness
They live their lives
But they can break the mold, step out the harness
They love their wives
What do the Finnish people eat
What do the Finnish people drink
What do they really really think
What do the Finnish people do
Is nothing in their saunas taboo
I wish I were Napolean Bonaparte
Or Julius Ceasar
I'd like to be the Macedonian
Alexander the Great
I want to conquer Finland
And eat all their reindeer
Which you may find unusual
But I don't care
Once I've conquered Finland
Once I've conquered Finland
I will call it ... Funland
Hello, welcome to the show
I am Julius Ceasar, and I am going to make you have fun
As you may or may not know I recently acquired Finland
I came
I saw
I conquered
And ate all their reindeer
So what we're gonna do with their men
We let them fight, man to man, and YOU decide
They Live, they Die
Pay per Kill
No Kill no Pay